Blog #3: Where are all the Kiwis?


No, I’m not looking for the fruit. Where are all the New Zealanders with migraine hiding?

Since I decided 2020 is going to be my year to kick my migraine beast to the curb (hopefully! maybe?) I’ve spent a lot of time online researching migraine management and treatment and reading other people’s stories.

While there are some great migraine websites, advocacy groups, support groups and forums online, the Kiwi voice seems to be missing.

So, where the heck are you all? I know, probably dealing with your own migraine beast. Or are you in some corner of the web I haven’t found yet?

I’ve just finished reading the research article My Migraine Voice survey: a global study of disease burden among individuals with migraine for whom preventive treatments have failed. From the 11,266 participants, 872 were from Asia-Pacific. There must be some New Zealanders who participated.

Where are you?

Apparently, most of the participants in the study were female, had children and had a family history of migraine. You’re my people! I tick all those three boxes. Actually, if you don’t tick any of those boxes and still have migraine, you’re still my people.

Come out of the shadows and into the light (er, unless you have light sensitivity, in that case, just raise your hand and I’ll come to you).

Help me make the voice of New Zealanders with migraine a little louder by being part of my tribe.

Feel free to comment below or email me:


Blog #4: Farewell booze and caffeine


Blog #2: Thanks Migraine World Summit